
Posts Tagged ‘Holiday Inn’

Image: David Krikorian

Image: David Krikorian

Weddings are typically filled with a number of expected things from a bride in white and bad dancers to good food and company. They are also filled with the unexpected things like a creepy drunk uncle and grandma dancing with college buddies.

While I wish I could say that I saw some of these things awkward things while at the wedding over the weekend, however I saw something even more unexpected, but much cooler at the Holiday Inn in Warwick, R.I. – by far the best one that I have ever stayed at by the way.

Upon checking into the room, we saw an advertisement for a Tombstone Deep Dish Pizza machine. Sounds too good to be true, but after a long evening of dinner, dancing and drinks, my fiance and my friend’s wife made a b-line towards the machine to see what it was all about.

Sixteen dollars later, we had an all-you-can eat smorgasbord of pizza, fries and taquitos that were well worth it from the greatest innovation in hotel vending. And if that wasn’t enough, there was an ice cream vending machine next to it for dessert.

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